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:: Ever wonder? ::

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"In the Northern hemisphere, Autumn begins on the Autumnal Equinox. Spring begins on the Vernal Equinox. Why isn't Spring called Vern?"

:: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 ::

Being a smoker(!) in this, the age of PC Run Amok, (Not the desktop kind.) life can sometimes get a little complicated; I sometimes feel I should be huddling in a closet, one watery-eye peeled for the stogie cops. OK, it hasn't gotten that bad yet, but I hear legislation is pending. Bodily function control legislation can't be far behind: "Excuse me, Mr. Sundquist, would you mind coming with me? We noticed you have effluvium in excess of state limits." Only one of the risks of living in a state where nothing is allowed. Especially if it's fun. I digress. (Gosh, I hope that's still legal.)

On our way to the car this morning, we were greeted with a Post it! (Registered trademark 3M corp., Maplewood MN, 55109 all rights reserved, shall not be used ...) note pasted to our car, along with a carefully-aligned row of dead cigarette butts, neatly taped to the hood. The note, quite politely I thought, said "Please place these in the garbage, they're unsightly." Now, I understand the sentiment - Cigarette butts are UGLY. Not as ugly as say, fish guts, but they are rather gross. The anonymous note-leaver had a point - I really shouldn't leave my butts laying around for everyone to look at. Very un-PC. Nobody wants to see my dead butts strewn about the communal driveway. I really should be more sensitive and caring, I am, after all, a sensitive caring male. I don't mind being scolded for depositing disgusting, disease-ridden, evil, smelly butts laying around. Quite the contrary, I appreciate the efforts of those concerned for the scenic beauty of our shared residences. Now to my point. YES! I do have a point!

Don't tape bloody cigarette butts to our bloody car!!! Come knock on the door! Tell me IN PERSON you think my behavior is FOUL, DISGUSTING, and CAUSES VISUAL DISTRESS! Quit being a coward. I don't like butts being taped to our car; It offends me, and I have every bit the right to be offended as the person who doesn't like disgusting butts laying around for everyone to see.

The next time I see the neighbors daughters sunning themselves in a public area, I will remind them that nobody should have to look at disgusting butts. Even a smoker like me.
:: PokemonGuy101 5:46 PM [+] ::
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