:: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 ::
Betsy has blogged a list of things that she doesn't care much for. (I was extremely pleased not to see "My Husband" included in her list.) Since I don't have a creative bone left in my body, I thought I'd make a list from a male perspective.
Birkenstocks n' socks No more need be said. Birkenstocks by themselves are bad enough. (Apologies to any of my Birkenstock-wearing friends.)
Speaker phones Well, they have their uses, it's mostly idiots that use them. All the time. For every call. Loudly. Also to check their voice mail. I really don't need to hear that so-and-so's colonoscopy came back "negative."
Irregardless GRRRRRRRRRR!
Rude service people I'm sorry you're having a bad day, but don't you dare take it out on me. I didn't pick your profession, nor did I whiz (Well, not usually.) on your Wheaties. You're being paid to be congenial, if not pleasant.
Women who wear knee-high stockings with skirts Oops, stole that one from Betsy. But it really is gross.
Time to go pick up Andrew (Who doesn't as of yet have a blog of his own.) More later.
:: PokemonGuy101 5:06 PM [+] ::