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:: Ever wonder? ::

Disturbed thoughts of a confused mind.
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"In the Northern hemisphere, Autumn begins on the Autumnal Equinox. Spring begins on the Vernal Equinox. Why isn't Spring called Vern?"

:: Monday, June 16, 2003 ::

Betsy took me to brunch at Copeland's yesterday for Father's day; it was absolutely marvelous! Betsy had a cajun omlette, I had their superb version of Eggs Benedict and steak. It always seems decadent to eat steak for breakfast. After that we went and sat by the river at a spot we went on one of our first dates. It was very romantic. :-) They also gave me the new Steely Dan CD - YOU MUST RUN OUT AND BUY IT! RIGHT NOW! It's amazingly good. They also gave me a CD of songs used in TV commercials, which is also extremely good. It's fun to try and figure out which products they were used to hype.

After our sojourn, we stopped and picked up a wading pool for Andrew, who was extremely excited to give it a try, though the water was somewhere between freezing and sub-zero. Kids are amazing little critters, nothing fazes them. We pomised him a swim when he gets home from school today. The water should be a bit warmer, and his dad won't be abject to joining him.

OK, more obscure stuff.

83. I rarely read horoscopes, and don't put much stock in them. Many years ago, I read one that warned me to beware of fire. That evening, we had a fire in my boat. The running lights had shorted; I carried the horoscope in my pocket for years afterward.

84. The only bone in my body I've ever broken is my tailbone - Juming off a swing.

85. I'm left handed, but I golf right handed. Must have a wire crossed in there somewhere. More than one, actually ...

86. I'm colorblind.

87. I'm terrified of heights, but I love to fly.

:: PokemonGuy101 3:58 PM [+] ::
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