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:: Ever wonder? ::

Disturbed thoughts of a confused mind.
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"In the Northern hemisphere, Autumn begins on the Autumnal Equinox. Spring begins on the Vernal Equinox. Why isn't Spring called Vern?"

:: Tuesday, July 15, 2003 ::

My 12 year-old son recently had a friend visit overnight. While sitting in the living room, their benign pre-teen discussion quickly caught my attention; they were discussing a song they had heard called Camel Toe. Before I could raise an objection as to "just what the hell kind of music are you listening to," my son's friend piped up with "My mom has the biggest camel toe you've ever seen!"

By the time my wife and I finally caught our collective breath, self-administered heimlich maneuvers, and quit rolling on the floor like gasping carp, we found the two boys were looking at us with stunned bemusement. The lad went on to explain - "You should see it, it sticks out way past her big toe! (More gasping, CPR, etc.) Finally we learned that he was talking about her actual toe, the second one to be exact...

To protect the innocent, this specific event never actually occurred in my presence, I paraphrased it from a radio show caller I heard the other morning. In truth, I damn near wrecked I was laughing so hard.
:: PokemonGuy101 11:47 AM [+] ::
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