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:: Ever wonder? ::

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"In the Northern hemisphere, Autumn begins on the Autumnal Equinox. Spring begins on the Vernal Equinox. Why isn't Spring called Vern?"

:: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 ::

A gift from Betsy on our third anniversary

A long time ago, I thought I knew what love was.
I thought I knew all about marriage.
Love, I was sure, was all roses and diamonds and sunshine, and
I knew that marriage was even and steady and never bumpy.

Then I found you.

Now I know that I was wrong about both marriage and love.

Marriage is bumpy sometimes. A lot of times it's hard.
Occasionally it isn't very pretty or happy.
(That "sickness or health" thing?
Sometimes that comes up.)
Sometimes snoring, or no money, or mixed signals come up.
And sometimes you even say things you don't mean,
and feel really bad about it later,
and wish you could take it all back.

But when you're married to the only person in the world
whom you should be married to …
well, then it doesn't matter.
The bumps, the tough times, the "sickness or health" …
even the mean things that got yelled.
(You still wish you hadn't said them,
but you know I don't mean them.
Even when I'm saying them.)

I can reach for you in the middle of the night,
or the middle of a scary or romantic movie,
or the middle of a crowd of people,
and I know your hand will be there,
and it will grip my hand just as tightly.

Even when you don't think everything is going to be OK,
you tell me they will.
And I believe you, and I feel better
(even though I know you probably don't believe it either).

Being married to you and in love with you
are the best things that will ever happen to me.
If I hadn't found you, I'd still think I knew all about love and marriage.
But I wouldn't.

I love you. I will always love you.

Even at 3 a.m. when you're snoring and I can't sleep.

(Really. Even then.)

Thank you for showing me every day what love and marriage are.
Thank you for loving me and for marrying me
and for giving me Andrew
and for always holding my hand.

:: PokemonGuy101 8:50 AM [+] ::
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