:: Thursday, May 22, 2003 ::
In keeping with the tradition of not having an original thought in my head, I'm following Betsy's lead, and beginning my own "100 things about me." Now, where to start....
88. The sailing class I was in as a ten year old, rescued Buddy Ebson's catamaran from the Newport harbor when it's engine failed. Yes, he was wearing a business suit.
89. The very first night we spent in California in our new house, LA was visited by a rare ourbreak of thunderstorms. We all thought the weather was supposed to be *nice* in California. It was actually a very pleasant greeting, being from Minnesota, it felt like home.
90. In the third grade, I was stabbed in the stomach with a #2 pencil. I still have the scar. I never did know if the girl did it on purpose or not.
91. I was married for the first time when I was 19. (!!!!)
92. I was successfully married when I was 38.
93. I experienced a M 6.6 earthquake when I was eight. The Sylmar quake, Feb 9, 1971 6:01 in the morning. I don't really remember much about it. (Yeah, right.) One of the things I remember most is that the Pasadena freeway collapsed. A recently opened, and oft-travelled segment. We had been on it the day before. We were living in Glendora, CA at the time.
94. I graduated college Magna cum Laude from the prestigous National College. I somehow also got listed in "Who's Who in American Colleges and Universities." Go figure.
95. The first "real" school I attended was Hancock Elementary. It's now a magnet school, what ever the hell that is.
96. By the time I was 14, my family had moved eight times. No, I wasn't a military brat, just the regular kind.
97. I once attended a school in California, where we were known as the "Trojans." And no, it was not UCLA.
98. As a child, I once jumped into a lift in Dayton's. My mother says she could hear me screaming all the way down to lingere.
99. My Mother used to put me on a leash when we went to the beach. She tied it onto my lifejacket. (Actually, it was more of a life "doughnut.")
100. When I was four, I fell from a second floor landing. Good thing I landed on my head.
:: PokemonGuy101 4:01 PM [+] ::
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:: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 ::
I just couldn't resist this one, so I Blaired it from Dave Barry's Blog:
"Sheila Denault of Larimore, North Dakota ("30 miles west of Grand Forks") emails as follows:
You know what party game women like to play in North Dakota? Butt Darts! How to play - you insert a quarter between your cheeks [ you can do this with clothes ON, if they're not too tight] , walk a pre-determined distance [like 20 or 30 feet] with quarter held tight, then drop your change into a bar glass [ shot glass if you have really good aim]. You do this 2 people at a time, unless you have a big crowd, then you could do more."
--How many "Butt Dart" sessions do you suppose it takes the average N. Dakotan to figure out that you can play it with your clothes ON?
--Do they have tournaments? Leagues? Are there prizes?
--What do they do with the quarters when they're done with them? What happens if you get them mixed up?
--How tight is "too tight?"
--What if the quarter doesn't drop? Is it cheating to use your hands?
Betsy FLATLY denies being the North Dakota "Butt Dart" champion. Much to my relief.
Oh, and whatever you do, DO NOT Google "Butt Darts...." You have been warned.
:: PokemonGuy101 1:33 PM [+] ::
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:: Friday, May 16, 2003 ::
OK, I'm clearly creatively bankrupt when this is the only thing I can think of to blog. As Dave Barry might say, this blog apologizes for it's shortcomings.
:: PokemonGuy101 3:52 PM [+] ::
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ALERT! Mysterious Clock Circles are appearing in peoples blogs! Aliens suspected!
:: PokemonGuy101 10:14 AM [+] ::
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:: Thursday, May 15, 2003 ::
Knowing what a sensitive and caring person I am, (Pay no attention to the Dante's Inferno test results below.) Betsy ordered me a very cool PeTA t-shirt! I don't think, however, the group known as "People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals" would care much for it. This one comes with fine print - "People for the Eating of Tasty Animals." Someone is going to dump a bucket of red paint on my head, I just know it.
:: PokemonGuy101 3:53 PM [+] ::
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Yet more proof that the only people who run around in the nude are the ones who really, really shouldn't.
:: PokemonGuy101 3:11 PM [+] ::
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Oh hell.
The Dante's Inferno Test has banished me to the Second Level of Hell! This is how I matched up against all the levels:
You too can take the Dante's Inferno Hell Test
:: PokemonGuy101 11:06 AM [+] ::
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:: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 ::
Warning! Salvation ahead: America's Best Christian: Mrs. Betty Bowers
:: PokemonGuy101 4:04 PM [+] ::
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:: Tuesday, May 13, 2003 ::
Betsy has blogged a list of things that she doesn't care much for. (I was extremely pleased not to see "My Husband" included in her list.) Since I don't have a creative bone left in my body, I thought I'd make a list from a male perspective.
Birkenstocks n' socks No more need be said. Birkenstocks by themselves are bad enough. (Apologies to any of my Birkenstock-wearing friends.)
Speaker phones Well, they have their uses, it's mostly idiots that use them. All the time. For every call. Loudly. Also to check their voice mail. I really don't need to hear that so-and-so's colonoscopy came back "negative."
Irregardless GRRRRRRRRRR!
Rude service people I'm sorry you're having a bad day, but don't you dare take it out on me. I didn't pick your profession, nor did I whiz (Well, not usually.) on your Wheaties. You're being paid to be congenial, if not pleasant.
Women who wear knee-high stockings with skirts Oops, stole that one from Betsy. But it really is gross.
Time to go pick up Andrew (Who doesn't as of yet have a blog of his own.) More later.
:: PokemonGuy101 5:06 PM [+] ::
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I KNEW these guys weren't relatives. Well, not mine anyway ...
:: PokemonGuy101 4:18 PM [+] ::
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:: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 ::
If you buy ground round at a grocery store called Roundy's, what, exactly are you getting?
That's it, I'm NEVER eating at the Ground Round again.
:: PokemonGuy101 4:35 PM [+] ::
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:: Friday, May 02, 2003 ::
This explains EVERYTHING. (Well, most things anyway.)
MN Statues 2003
14.5534 Statement of purpose - "Taking a joke."
Minnesota residents are forbidden from "taking a joke"
(1) Residents MUST take everything seriously. Not taking everything seriously is in violation of Minnesota law
(a) Punishable by fine or imprisonment, depending on how well the resident "took the joke."
(b) Public is encouraged to rat-out "joke takers."
(2) The purpose of this statute is to make sure NO resident maintains an iota of humor.
In accomplishing its objectives, the intention of this statute is to strike a fair balance between these purposes and the need for efficient, economical, and effective government administration. The chapter is not meant to alter the substantive rights of any person or agency. Its impact is limited to procedural rights with the expectation that better substantive results will be achieved in the everyday conduct of state government by improving the process by which those results are attained.
:: PokemonGuy101 3:35 PM [+] ::
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Bzzzzzzzzz. Ugh, mosquito time is here. For the six people who actually read this, a friend of mine sent some tips for keeping the little blood suckers at bay:
Use Bounce Fabric Softener Sheets...Best thing ever used in Louisiana...just wipe on & go...Great for Babies
Bob, a fisherman, takes one vitamin B-1 tablet a day April through October. He said it works. He was right. Hasn't had a mosquito bite in 33 years. Try it. (Supposedly everyone he has talked into trying it works on them. Vitamin B-1 (Thiamine Hydrochloride 100 mg.) )
If you eat bananas, the mosquitoes like you--something about the banana oil as your body processes it. Stop eating bananas for the summer and the mosquitoes will be much less interested.
This is going to floor you, but one of the best insect repellents someone found (who is in the woods every day), is Vick's Vaporub.
"Tough guy" Marines who spend a great deal of time "camping out" say that the very best mosquito repellant you can use is Avon Skin-So-Soft bath oil mixed about half and half with alcohol.
E-Mail me if any of these work for you, or if you have any other tips.
:: PokemonGuy101 9:04 AM [+] ::
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:: Thursday, May 01, 2003 ::
Coincidence? I'm skeptible.
:: PokemonGuy101 3:30 PM [+] ::
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Betsy reminded me today that it's been a while since I've blogged. Is the world getting so boring that there's nothing to write? Gosh, I hope not. Maybe it's me that's getting boring. Yikes.
I heard a new buzzwhackable (Is that a word? Who cares.) word today - "Non-goal." As in "We're going to non-goal item 5 on the checklist." Or "things we don't want to do. English is such a cool language.
:: PokemonGuy101 3:11 PM [+] ::
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Where the heck did I put that high-intensity lamp??
Yahoo! News - Bright Light May Boost Testosterone in Men
:: PokemonGuy101 3:09 PM [+] ::
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