:: Ever wonder? ::Disturbed thoughts of a confused mind. | |||||||||||||
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:: Saturday, April 26, 2003 :: Mah na Mah na indeed! This catchy little tune was orignally written by Piero Umiliani in 1967, and made famous by the Muppets in 1977. The mindless little ditty has a dark side, however. It was apparently orignally written for a Swedish porn film. Here's a link.(0) comments :: Wednesday, April 23, 2003 :: Hey, PETA! Don't you know vegetables are DANGEROUS?(0) comments :: Tuesday, April 22, 2003 :: I DON"T DO EARTH DAY.(0) comments Being a smoker(!) in this, the age of PC Run Amok, (Not the desktop kind.) life can sometimes get a little complicated; I sometimes feel I should be huddling in a closet, one watery-eye peeled for the stogie cops. OK, it hasn't gotten that bad yet, but I hear legislation is pending. Bodily function control legislation can't be far behind: "Excuse me, Mr. Sundquist, would you mind coming with me? We noticed you have effluvium in excess of state limits." Only one of the risks of living in a state where nothing is allowed. Especially if it's fun. I digress. (Gosh, I hope that's still legal.)(0) comments CAUTION: Not for the faint of heart ...(0) comments Betsy recently brought my attention to something I've been absolutely craving for most of my adult life. Of course, I didn't know I was craving it. Anyway, here's an irresistible gift idea that's sure to be a crowd pleaser.(0) comments :: Monday, April 21, 2003 :: OK, same site, different page, but it's a hoot! One of these days, I'll get creative. Really.(0) comments Whenever I get the urge to know how many times a day Frank Sinatra changed his underwear, I visit This site. (Though I'm not sure I believe all of it, see the reference to Starbucks. That's a bit of a stretch.)(0) comments :: Friday, April 18, 2003 :: Ikea (A huge home furnishing store based in Sweden) recently announced it will open a store at the MOA. (That's Mall of America for those of you in Yorba Linda.) I wonder if they will come up with an American version of this.(0) comments :: Wednesday, April 16, 2003 :: Now that I've had time to think about it, it's probably a good thing we don't call the season Vern rather than Spring ...(0) comments Oh yeah, THIS is why we live here!!(0) comments :: Friday, April 11, 2003 :: Call me insensitive, but I have to admit this issue has never caused me to lose sleep. It does however, make me realize I was born in the wrong country ...(0) comments :: Wednesday, April 09, 2003 :: Now here's a twist - A rock band that sounds like a good book: "Theory of a Deadman."(0) comments :: Tuesday, April 08, 2003 :: Now that I think about it, "Psychic Fair" would be a good name for a rock band ...(0) comments :: Sunday, April 06, 2003 :: I saw a hand-printed sign on a lonely country road today proclaiming a "Psychic Fair" With an arrow pointing down an even lonelier country road. I see an old barn, badly in need of a little TLC, with rows of metal chairs. (You know the kind, cold, gray, very uncomfortable, and ubiquitous to Lutheran church basements.) People are lined up outside; handing tickets to a smelly old woman in a faded floral dress. The people shuffle in, find their seats. From somewhere in the disused hayloft comes an announcement: "Ladies and gentlemen, please keep your hands inside the cars, this roller coaster makes violent turns ..."(0) comments :: Friday, April 04, 2003 :: I just realized I haven't blogged (excuse me.) in four days! In other words, all month! I'm not sure if that's a commentary on my life, or that I've been otherwise occupied. I fear it's the former rather than the latter. Then again, who really cares if I blog (excuse me again.) or not. So there.(0) comments
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